La Rioja Alta Bundle
Bundle of La Rioja Alta Wines
Grupo La Rioja Alta, S. A.
Founded in the 19th Century, growing in the 20th Century and still passionate in the 21th Century.
Five Riojan and Basque families founded the "Sociedad Vinícola de La Rioja Alta" in Haro's Station District. Our first president was a woman: Doña Saturnina García Cid y Gárate. Monsieur Vigier, a Frenchman, was the House's first winemaker and the Reserva 1890 (predecessor of today's Gran Reserva 890) is the first wine he made.
Lagar de Cervera Albarino
Bodegas Aster El Espino
Bodegas Aster El Otero
Torre de Ona Finca Martelo Reserva
La Rioja Alta Vina Ardanza Reserva
La Rioja Alta Vina Arana Gran Reserva
La Rioja Alta Gran Reserva 904
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